Language level test
Everyone who plans to start studying has to pass a level test, as it will determine which group you will study in.
To check your level of foreign language, take a test on this page.
Beginner (Pre-A1)
At this stage, a person begins to learn the language from scratch. A person knows the alphabet, elementary phrases and reading rules. After passing this level, the student can independently answer elementary questions that people often ask each other during a meeting. For example: What is your name? Where do you live? What country are you from? How old are you? What kind of family do you have? He can also give basic information about himself in a foreign language and count to one hundred.
Elementary (A1)
After studying the most elementary things at the Pre-A1 level, a person continues to get acquainted with basic things. Here, the student gains deeper knowledge and consolidates what was obtained at the first stage. After mastering this level, students will be able to briefly talk about themselves, their relatives, family traditions, favorite dishes, pets, etc. The basic vocabulary is mastered and the basics of grammar are studied: types of pronouns; adjectives and degrees of comparison; categories of nouns; types of questions, etc.
Pre-Intermediate (A2)
It is often interpreted as a pre-average or pre-threshold level. When learning a language at this stage, students already have a certain knowledge base of a foreign language. They know how to pronounce most phrases correctly and can communicate briefly on some topics. At this level, learning potential is significantly increased, students perform more practical exercises and learn to form sentences with a more complex structure. After this level, a person can communicate freely on most topics, travel and not be afraid to speak abroad.
Intermediate (B1)
This level aims to fully consolidate all knowledge obtained on previous levels. In addition, new vocabulary with a more complex structure is introduced for studying. Much attention is paid to direct and indirect speech, verbs and prepositions, adjectives and adverbs, the correct order of words in sentences, etc. At this level, the texts become more complex and acquire a brighter information-filled structure. After completing the Intermediate level, a person can understand the interlocutor well and easily maintain a dialogue.
Upper-Intermediate (B2)
At this level, students communicate comfortably and understand a foreign language. Practical tasks are mainly performed at this stage, very little time is devoted to the theoretical part. This level is considered one of the most common in the field of education and business. It can be said that with the Upper Intermediate level, you are already a regular user of the language.
Advanced (C1)
Anyone who wants to have good language skills can start studying at this level. The topics that have been covered before are considered at a more in-depth professional and specific level. They cover many literary genres, features of the environment, legal processes, etc. At this level, a person can support almost any conversation, because they have an extensive vocabulary.
Proficiency (C2)
It is considered the highest level – the level of a native speaker. The student has mastered all levels of a foreign language, they can communicate freely on any topic. It is not at all difficult for them to communicate with native speakers, understand slang, their jokes, and even pass an international level exam or submit an application for admission to a foreign university.
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A course for your level
Perfectly! Now we know your language level and offer you to choose one of our packages for further improvement of your knowledge.
Tariff “Standard”
The tariff “Standard” will be a good option if stability is important to you and you want to practice the language more than once a week. By choosing this tariff, you will get:
- The course lasts 32 lessons
- Classes 2 times per week
- Lesson duration is 60 minutes
- 5 lessons with a native speaker
- 1 free visit of the speaking club
- Access to interactive learning platforms
- Flexible schedule of classes and cancellations
8 544₴
32 lessons
per lesson
About the course
Tariff “Intensive”
The tariff “Intensive” was created specifically for emergency cases when you need to learn the language urgently. By choosing this tariff, you will get:
- The course lasts 32 lessons
- Classes 3 times per week
- Lesson duration is 90 minutes
- 7 lessons with a native speaker
- 3 free visits of speaking club
- Access to interactive learning platforms
- Flexible schedule of classes and cancellations
9 120₴
32 lessons
per lesson
About the course